medical diagnostics

Information is the currency of healthcare; spend it wisely to enrich your well-being

Diagnostics are at the heart of our ethos at Haus of Skin.

Whether your main concern is rooted in skincare and aesthetics, looking to become a healthier version of yourself or guard against the consequences of ageing – diagnostics is at the core of the solution to all of these concerns.

At Haus of Skin, after extensive research and experience in the field of longevity and bespoke diagnostics, we have partnered with a host of excellent laboratories and companies to offer the latest and most accurate testing available. 

Within our suite of tests, we offer an extensive range of blood tests providing an unparalleled depth of profiling, far surpassing conventional medical examinations.

But we don’t stop there; we dive deeper into your system with analyses covering food intolerances, the delicate balance of your gut microbiome, hormonal imbalances, in depth genetic testing and TruCheck Cancer Screening.

We employ state-of-the-art biological clock age assessments, including Horvath Clock utilising DNA methylation, GlycanAge, and TruDiagnostic’s epigenetic testing.

Our goal isn’t just decoding data; it’s about presenting complex results in an understandable format, providing you with clarity and empowering you to comprehend your results fully.

Diagnostic tests we offer


Can one have more than one type of test?


You can have any mix of the tests we offer.

Each test has its own merits and tells us different information.

The more information we have, the better we can advise! Any combination of tests and frequency is possible.

Are all your tests performed in the clinic?


Whilst some are performed in clinic, all of our tests can be performed at home.

We can arrange for a phlebotomy service to come to your home, and some of our tests can be posted to yourself with instructions on how to perform these tests.

How long do results take?

This varies based on the test.

Some of our tests are quite specialist and require a longer processing time.

Your clinician can inform and advise.

Follow up appointments to discuss results will be based on the expected date of results being returned.

Are results explained to us?


We are keen on having patients come back into clinic to have a thorough deep dive of their results.

This allows us to carefully explain each test result, discuss its implications, overall importance and importantly what we can do to correct any abnormalities.

We can also formulate longer term plans going forward and ensure appropriate monitoring.

Do we get a copy of results?


You will receive a customised PDF of all your results, explanation and action points.

Blood test results can be shared with your regular GP.

Are investigations shared with our regular GP?


Our blood testing results can be shared with your regular GP.

What happens in the event of urgent action following investigations?

We will always try to contact you via telephone and email and advise on any urgent actions needed.

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Food Intolerance Testing & Stress & Hormone Balance Assessment

Stress & Hormone Balance Assessment

Our stress Function test evaluates 24-hour cyclic cortisol levels and morning cortisol surge, providing insights into stress levels.

Performed as a saliva sample taken over the course of a day, this at home test is easy to perform with in depth results examining the five main pillars of stress allowing for targeted lifestyle management to help reduce stress.

We couple this with other diagnostic testing and a in depth consultation to better understand your lifestyle and healthcare needs.

Biological Age Testing


Cancer Testing

Diagnostic Imaging









Gut Microbiome

Physiological Assessment

Physiological assessment is a core part of our understanding of your body function.

Through these tests we can measure your VO2 max – allowing us to precisely measure your aerobic capacity, Lactate threshold – a measure of your ability to sustain a high percentage of VO2 max without accumulating fatigue, Resting Metabolic Rate – to calculate an accurate assessment of your daily calorie needs, Substrate usage during exercise – a calculation of energy requirements during different types and intensity of exercise & finally Body Composition – your proportion of total fat mass and lean body mass, a greater determinant of health outcomes than bodyweight alone!

Performed in association with Westminster University, we are able to provide individual tests as well as performance packages.

This, alongside our other diagnostic testing gives a much greater insight into your current health, wellbeing and is a excellent means of tracking your health progression based on our advice, guidance and treatments.

VO2 Max

The determination of maximal oxygen uptake or VO2 max is the gold-standard measure of aerobic capacity.

Having a high VO2 max is a prerequisite for successful athletic performance in endurance events.

A VO2 max assessment will allow athletes to accurately gauge their aerobic (fitness) levels, monitor the effectiveness of training and should be part of any good fitness assessment.

Lactate threshold

Whilst a high VO2 max is a prerequisite for success in endurance events, the ability to sustain a high percent of VO2 max without accumulating fatigue is of greater importance.

The running speed, or power output during cycling, at lactate threshold offers a strong predictor of fitness and performance.

Well-trained marathon runners operate at a running velocity just above their lactate threshold value for the duration of the race.

The lactate threshold test can be carried out on a treadmill or a bicycle.

We use the Lode cycle ergometer.

Fingertip blood samples will be required to measure the blood lactate at various points throughout the protocol.

Resting Metabolic Rate

An understanding of your energy needs provides a sound scientific basis for any weight loss or maintenance plan.

This technique, which involves resting on a bed for 30 minutes combined with an assessment of your daily lifestyle energy requirements, will provide an accurate assessment of your daily caloric needs.

Knowing your energy expenditure can allow you to then compare against your energy intake, providing a more accurate means of determining caloric requirements if you are wishing to lose, maintain or gain weight.

Substrate Use During Exercise

An understanding of your energy needs during exercise provides a sound scientific basis for any exercise plan.

Measuring substrate usage during exercise techniques, which involves exercising at different intensities, will provide an accurate assessment of your energy requirements during exercise.

This test also gives an insight into the substrate you are most reliant on at any given intensity.

Body Composition

The proportion of total fat mass and lean body mass represents an individual’s body composition.

Body composition is important for athletic performance, and is a greater determinant of health outcomes than bodyweight alone.

An individual can be of average weight and still carry high, even risky levels of body fat.

The BodPod is a highly accurate, non-intrusive, extremely rapid method of measuring body composition.

Utilising a technique called air displacement plethysmography, the client sits comfortably in a chamber for two to three minutes whilst the volume of air displaced by the body is measured and used to calculate body fat percentage.

This method provides invaluable information for anyone wishing to monitor changes in their body composition for health and/or fitness-related purposes.

We welcome service users of all ages to our Private GP service, however, if you or your child require urgent care we recommend that you contact your NHS GP service or contact the NHS 111 helpline who can direct you to the best place to get help.

If you or your child require medical help for a life-threatening emergency you must call 999 and request an ambulance or attend your nearest A&E department immediately.

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